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schemas.workflow.amber.cli.AMBER_CLI_MAPPING = {'mdin': 'i', 'mdout': 'o', 'mdinfo': 'inf', 'prmtop': 'p', 'inpcrd': 'c', 'refc': 'refc', 'mtmd': 'mtmd', 'mdcrd': 'x', 'inptraj': 'y', 'mdvel': 'v', 'mdfrc': 'frc', 'mden': 'e', 'restrt': 'r', 'cpin': 'cpin', 'cprestrt': 'cprestart', 'cpout': 'cpout', 'cein': 'cein', 'cerestrt': 'cerestrt', 'ceout': 'ceout', 'evbin': 'evbin', 'suffix': 'suffix'} module-attribute

Maps keys from AmberCLIBase to Amber command-line options.


Bases: BaseModel, YamlIO, Render

cein: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -cein

input redox state definitions

ceout: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -ceout

output redox state data saved over trajectory

cerestrt: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -cerestrt

redox state definitions, final redox states for restart (same format as cein)

compute_platform: Literal['sander', 'pmemd', 'pmemd.MPI', 'pmemd.cuda', 'pmemd.cuda.MPI'] = 'pmemd' class-attribute instance-attribute

cpin: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -cpin

input protonation state definitions

cpout: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -cpout

output protonation state data saved over trajectory

cprestrt: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -cprestart

protonation state definitions, final protonation states for restart (same format as cpin)

evbin: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -evbin

input input for EVB potentials

inpcrd: str = 'mol.inpcrd' class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -c

Path to file containing input initial coordinates and (optionally) velocities and periodic box size.

inptraj: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -y

input coordinate sets in trajectory format, when imin=5 or 6

mdcrd: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -x

output coordinate sets saved over trajectory

mden: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -e

output extensive energy data over trajectory (not synchronized with mdcrd or mdvel)

mdfrc: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -frc

output force sets saved over trajectory

mdin: str = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -i

Path to input file for controlling AMBER calculations and operations. Options specified in AmberInputsBase should be in this file.

Below is a non-working example of what this file should look like.


mdinfo: str = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -inf

Path to store the latest mdout and other simulation progress information. An example is shown below.

NSTEP =   494000   TIME(PS) =    2008.000  TEMP(K) =   301.01  PRESS =     0.0
Etot   =   -103688.2116  EKtot   =     19750.7918  EPtot      =   -123439.0034
BOND   =       691.6081  ANGLE   =      1937.7561  DIHED      =      1279.1292
UB     =         0.0000  IMP     =         0.0000  CMAP       =       142.8106
1-4 NB =       795.8815  1-4 EEL =     10392.2564  VDWAALS    =     18105.7369
EELEC  =   -156784.1822  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =         0.0000  VOLUME     =    317340.9390
                                                    Density    =         1.0364
Ewald error estimate:   0.8100E-04
| Current Timing Info
| -------------------
| Total steps:    500000 | Completed:    494000 ( 98.8%) | Remaining:      6000
| Average timings for last   25500 steps:
|     Elapsed(s) =      59.89 Per Step(ms) =       2.35
|         ns/day =      73.58   seconds/ns =    1174.27
| Average timings for all steps:
|     Elapsed(s) =    1142.43 Per Step(ms) =       2.31
|         ns/day =      74.72   seconds/ns =    1156.31
| Estimated time remaining:      13.9 seconds.

mdout: str = 'md.out' class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -o

Output user readable state info and diagnostics. -o stdout will send output to stdout (i.e., the terminal) instead of to a file. This stream will contain the following information.

Characteristics of the Amber release.

        Amber 22 PMEMD                              2022

| PMEMD implementation of SANDER, Release 22

|  Compiled date/time: Thu Apr 14 14:06:37 2022

File paths.

File Assignments:
|   MDIN: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
|  MDOUT: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
| INPCRD: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
|   PARM: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
| RESTRT: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
|   REFC: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
|  MDVEL: mdvel
|   MDEN: mden
|  MDCRD: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
| MDINFO: /bgfs/jdurrant/amm503/oasci/metalflare/study/data/001-rogfp-md/simulat
|LOGFILE: logfile
|  MDFRC: mdfrc

Then it will provide any notes and information about the chosen methods and system.

Afterwords, system information will be printed every ntpr steps.

NSTEP =      500   TIME(PS) =    1021.000  TEMP(K) =   300.64  PRESS =     0.0
Etot   =   -103950.9351  EKtot   =     19726.5940  EPtot      =   -123677.5291
BOND   =       650.1569  ANGLE   =      1869.0536  DIHED      =      1260.6252
UB     =         0.0000  IMP     =         0.0000  CMAP       =       155.1250
1-4 NB =       787.8972  1-4 EEL =     10500.5192  VDWAALS    =     18651.1452
EELEC  =   -157552.0512  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =         0.0000  VOLUME     =    317418.4248
                                                    Density    =         1.0361
Ewald error estimate:   0.1408E-04

The meaning of each term is below for convenience. You can find more information in the Amber manual.

  • NSTEP: Current step number.
  • TIME(PS): Cumulative simulation time in picoseconds. The previous simulation time is included here if the simulation is a restart.
  • TEMP(K): Instantaneous system temperature in Kelvin.
  • PRESS: System pressure.
  • Etot: Total energy as the sum of kinetic and potential energies.
  • EKtot: Total kinetic energy.
  • EPtot: Total potential energy.
  • BOND: Sum of bond energies.
  • ANGLE: Sum of angle energies.
  • DIHED: Sum of dihedral energies.
  • UB: Urey-Bradley energy term in the CHARMM force field.
  • IMP: Improper energy term as in the CHARMM force field.
  • CMAP: Correction map for dihedral energies first introduced in CHARMM in the extended in Amber's ff19SB (replaces cosine-based \(\phi\)/\(\psi\) dihedral terms in ff14SB).
  • 1-4 NB: 1-4 non-bonded (i.e., van der Waal) energy between atoms separated by three consecutive bonds. These interactions scale unlike the standard terms, so they are treated separately.
  • 1-4 EEL: 1-4 electrostatic energy between atoms separated by three consecutive bonds. These interactions scale unlike the standard terms, so they are treated separately.
  • VDWAALS: van der Waals energy.
  • EELEC: Electrostatic energy.
  • EHBOND: Depreciated hydrogen bonding contributions.
  • RESTRAINT: Energy of any ntr constraints.
  • EKCMT: ?
  • VIRIAL: ?
  • VOLUME: System volume in Å3.
  • Density: System density in g/cm3.

mdvel: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -v

output velocity sets saved over trajectory

mtmd: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -mtmd

input (optional) containing list of files and parameters for targeted MD to multiple targets

prmtop: str = 'mol.prmtop' class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -p

Path to a file containing input molecular topology, force field, periodic box type, atom and residue names.

refc: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -ref

input (optional) reference coords for position restraints; also used for targeted MD

restrt: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -r

output final coordinates, velocity, and box dimensions if any - for restarting run

suffix: str | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Sander option: -suffix

output this string will be added to all unspecified output files that are printed (for multisander runs, it will append this suffix to all output files)


Render the bash command to run an Amber simulation.